Please join us in supporting one of the most important causes of our times - the American epidemic of gun violence.

We believe in the mission of Sandy Hook Promise, a top-rated national nonprofit organization with a mission to protect America’s children from gun violence. Your support will allow them to help prevent gun violence and bring safety programs to schools. Programs such as Know the Signs have helped avert school shootings, teen suicides, and countless other acts of violence. Proceeds from this performance will go to Sandy Hook Promise. Our goal is $100,000.

Did you know?

  • Gun violence is the #1 cause of death for children and teens?

  • 400 million guns are circulating in private hands in the US?

  • In 2022, more than 43,000 children were exposed to gun violence in their schools?

How Can You Help?

Take a look at the Sponsor levels on the menu. Sponsorships include promotional benefits such as prominent brand recognition on our website, collateral materials, social media, program advertisement and more.

Registered charity with the United States Internal Revenue Service. Donations to Sandy Hook Promise Foundation are 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law

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Make The Promise

Join the 10,662,769 people who’ve already made the promise to protect children from gun violence.